Stats for My Projects This Month


My SEO Experiment:

  • $190 revenue from ads and affiliates
  • 8,382 unique visitors (+29% from last month)

Fantasy Congress (maintenance only):

  • $264 revenue
  • $930 MRR

I attended my first  MicroConf in April and got a fresh new perspective on my micro-SaaS projects and indie journey overall.

I also released some small improvements to PageFactory (my programmatic SEO tool) this month. Hopefully I'm setting it up to be in a good position so I can explore some other opportunities in May.

Full Recap

Attending MicroConf

This year, I was incredibly lucky to receive a scholarship to attend MicroConf, a two day conference for bootstrapped SaaS businesses.

Overall, it was a really rewarding experience! I've never attended a conference on my own before, but everyone was incredibly friendly and welcoming.

The big appeal of MicroConf (at least as I understand it) is making connections. And the conference kind of leans into this. There were meetups, an organized small group lunch, and even excursions! (I did the go-karts 😎) I found a lot of value in talking with the other attendees, and even joined a mastermind with some of the other women I met!

The talks were also very informative. And even though most of the conference was geared towards more established businesses, I got lots of value as a small solo-prenuer still looking for product-market fit.

So what was my biggest takeaway?

I think I'm more committed than ever to building a lifestyle business.

MicroConf gave me a lot of perspective. It made me reflect on my values, my goals, and what it really takes to 5x, 10x, or even 100x your revenue. After attending MicroConf, I feel more confident than ever that building a small lifestyle business is the best choice for me.

Some Small Enhancements for PageFactory

In between traveling and unpacking after our move, I was able to release some small features for PageFactory.

Most notably, my Wordpress integration now supports dynamic featured images.

Wordpress uses "featured images" for all sorts of things, like thumbnails and social sharing. Now, instead of using the same image for every post, users can set a unique featured image for each post.

Other notable improvements include the ability to copy templates with the click of a button, and finally adding a guide for the template editor to the documentation.

I'm still waiting to get PageFactory approved for the marketplace I've previously mentioned. In April I added a special sign-up flow to better fit the needs of this marketplace. But we've been going back and forth on this since February! I'm ready to see if all this work will actually pay off.

May Plans

I wasn't planning to work on PageFactory at all in April. Originally, I wanted to work on building more programmatic sites. But after MicroConf, I was really excited to jump back in it!

So, my plans for May will be my original plans for April: Build more programmatic websites. And, improve my existing ones.

I've gained so much knowledge and experience helping others with programmatic SEO. And I have so many ideas for sites! It feels like I'm leaving money on the table if I don't pursue more opportunities with this.

Taking time off from PageFactory feels...scary. This was a problem I often struggled with working on Fantasy Congress (my first indie SaaS).

I always felt spending time on something else would negate all the progress I made. But when I finally got the courage to step away from it, nothing bad happened.

I regret spending so much time on one project, and not exploring more opportunities. Early on, I distinctly remember coming across the phrase "put more buy buttons on the internet." My apologizes for not remembering exactly where I saw this, but it couldn't be more true. Since pursuing more revenue streams, I'm making more money!

So, this month, I'm going to try to avoid past mistakes and spend a little time on other opportunities.